Game yang diperuntukkan untuk konsole playstation 2 ini dimainkan oleh hampir semua kalangan baik anak anak maupun dewasa. The following three games in the series were also produced by and they were released under the name of ISS Pro for the European market and Winning Eleven for the rest of the world. The original Winning Eleven game, without the World Soccer prefix, was released only in Japan for the PlayStation in 1995, and featured only the teams that played on. In this video, I'm going to review a patch from WEdoIT from italia for Winning Eleven 6 PS2. Download Winning Eleven 2002 Bahasa Inggris (English) PS1 ISO – Selamat pagi semuanya, pagi-pagi gini saya akan memposting game kesukaan semua orang yaitu game Winning Eleven 2002 (Patch Inggris).

Winning Eleven 2002 bahasa inggris (English) PS1 ISO.