The translation was done with the aid of the online translator DeepL and my friends’ help. It was translated from Japanese to English by ryuu with written permission from the author to share it on my blog and add information. Every picture shown in this translation can be found in the original documentations on Iwara and GitHub.

This compilation was brought together by the MMD community and contemplates ngreeed’s own experiences with fog and lighting usages. Let’s get started? If you just landed on this tutorial for advanced MMDers and is wondering what the hell is going on, there are beginner Raycast tutorials in Learn MMD! Also, if you feel like reading more about rendering tips, I suggest taking a look at my other tutorial: advanced MMD rendering tutorial (and why you should care). Ray-MMD Advanced Lighting: A Night on the Townīeginner’s Guide: Using Ray-MMD ver 1.5.The following tutorial is an English translation of the original one in Japanese by RAY-MMD: Creating your own custom sky box

RAY-MMD demonstration featuring texture and environmental lighting Ray-MMD Localized Fog Effects for stunning MMD scenes RAY-MMD: Spruce up your videos with Dynamic Lighting RAY-MMD: A method to get great results fast and easy! Learn to Edit MMD Effects by Editing Raycast Materials Modifying model texture color compensates Raycast color desaturation Listed in chronological order from our first encounter through our latest updates: The List of Raycast Ray-MMD Tutorials on is very much alive and interactive: ask questions and get answers.

To learn about Raycast Ray-MMD, struggle-along with us and review the many Ray-MMD Tutorials on LearnMMD… Leave Comments and ask questions. Like everyone else, we at have been learning by starting with the “first encounter” and then by adding to our knowledge and skills as we became more familiar with the effect… with its “system”. If you are not, you will find that many menu items and subroutines will be unavailable to you. Ray-MMD and Raycast are meant to run on a Windows 10 64-bit computer. Ray-MMD is complicated for the first-time user and like everything else in MikuMikuDance, it takes practice and some experience with it before you begin to obtain satisfactory results with Raycast. You cannot simply download the effect and apply the RAY.X to your animation. The Raycast Effect, now known as RAY-MMD, is so much MORE than “an effect”… it’s a whole “visual environment” sub-system in itself!