

etos etos etos

protection and fulfilment of ESC rights abroad inter alia through international cooperation and assistance.inconsistency of international trade and investment rules with international human rights law and.accountability of Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs), in particular international financial institutions (IFIs).regulation and accountability of transnational corporations (TNCs).These gaps have become more severe with the advancement of globalization over the past few decades. This reductionism has led to major gaps in the international protection of human rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rights (ESC rights).


While the universality of human rights has been a cornerstone of the international human rights system since its initial days, States continue to show reluctance to recognizing and implementing the extraterritorial dimensions of their human rights obligations. Given the transboundary nature of many of today’s human rights challenges, including climate change and eco-destruction, tax evasion or corporate impunity, it is impossible to guarantee human rights universally without adhering to both domestic and extraterritorial obligations. These obligations are crucial for human rights to assume their role as legal basis for regulating globalization and creating an enabling international environment for the universal fulfilment of economic, social and cultural rights. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 6:5 (2012).ETOs stands for "extraterritorial obligations", the human rights obligations States have beyond their national borders towards people living in other countries. Takashi Takekawa, Yoshikazu Isomura and Tomoki Fukai. Spike sorting of heterogeneous neuron types by multimodality-weighted PCA and explicit robust variational Bayes. Programs in EToS are all parallelized using OpenMP and efficiently calculate on the computers with multi-core processors.Īccurate spike-sorting for multiunit recordings. "EToS" is a high performance spike-sorting system using latest technologies concerned with signal processing and machine learning and can accurately sort spikes into many neurons. Spike-sorting methods are techniques to sort detected multi-unit activities into spike trains of individual neurons and important step for analysis of multi-neuron activities. EToS: Efficient Technology of Spike-sorting EToS: Efficient Technology of Spike-sortingĮxtra-cellularly recorded signals by single or multi electrodes contain the spike events of a number of adjacent or distant neurons.
